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Video by Lauralee Guiney

Body Drawings,

This work is born of experimentation with drawing as an embodied practice. Movement, energy and the music played by DJ Nigel Wood, were the driving forces behind the making of these large drawings and the accompanying videos

Exhibited at

Body Drawings

Pallas Projects/Studios, Dublin, Ireland.

Catizone displayed a set of large, performative, two-hand drawings which she made over the space of two years. The drawings were made to either live music or to a selection of tracks curated by DJ Nigel Wood.

Wood played at the opening and a recorded selection of tracks used for the making of the drawings were played in the gallery for the week.

Choreographer Fiona Quilligan performed an embodied response to the work on the opening night also.

A thread and video installation were part of the show.
A thread and video installation were part of the show.

A short talk and Q&A session took place after the performance.

Media (38)